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기본적인 읽기 쓰기는 잘 사용해왔으나 

근래에 만료일을 지정하지 않아 쿠키가 계속 남아있을것같다. 라는 추측하고 일처리를 한적이 있었는데

MSDN 자료에는 쿠키 만료일을 지정하지 않으면 세션 종료시에 쿠키가 만료된다고 합니다.

사소한 정보이고 평소에 별 생각없이 사용하던 쿠키도 들여다보니 공부할것이 많습니다.. T^T

* Syntax

Response.Cookies(cookie)[(key)| .attribute] =value

* Parameters

- cookie

The name of the cookie. 

- key

An optional parameter. If key is specified, Cookie is a dictionary, and key is set to value. 

- attribute

Specifies information about the Cookie itself. The attribute parameter can be one of the following.




Write-only. If specified, the Cookie is sent only to requests to this domain.


Write-only. The date on which the Cookie expires. This date must be set in order for the Cookie to be stored on the client's disk after the session ends. If this attribute is not set to a date beyond the current date, the Cookie expires when the session ends.


Read-only. Specifies whether the cookie contains keys.


Write-only. If specified, the Cookie is sent only to requests to this path. If this attribute is not set, the application path is used.


Write-only. Specifies whether the Cookie is secure.

- Value

Specifies the value to assign to key or attribute.

참고 Url :


  1. No Image 20Feb
    by kay
    2014/02/20 by kay
    Views 3139 

    response.Cookie Collection , 쿠키 만료일 미지정시 만료일은?

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